Friday, October 17, 2008


So that was the first week of school. And the first thing I've discovered is: biology is going to be SO boring. The teachers' voice makes your eyelids close and stay closed.

My sisters are hooked on Hanna Montana. It's all they talk about, and they've memorized all the episodes and the songs. Oh and their bathroom sink is broken so every morning we have this line for the other sink. kinda like a prison =).

My mom is pregnant in her seventh month with my fifth sibling. I really don't want it to be a boy cause changing and wiping are uhh hard. But everyone else wants it to be a boy since we only have one. My brother is so excited and he's started to talk to the baby and my mom answers in this baby voice, I think he believes it's the baby, except he looks at my moms face not her tummy. It's really dumb but funny at the same time.

I truly want to read pendragon 9. But the only bookstore that sells English books didn't get it yet. It's been out since MAY and each month they say the next month. Lame- ist


1 comment:

AD said...

Hannah Montana needs to DIE. Lol.

She's a disgrace to Americans. So are the Jonas Brother's.


And I like your blog!

You've got yourself a follower, my friend.
Oh, and thanks for following mine, as well.


What's it like in Saudi Arabia, anyway? Is it fun?

I look forward to more blogs!